How to Improve Your Brain Health and Memory

Many of us struggle with memory as we get older, but memory loss is not a certainty. Are you getting enough brain nutrients? Find out here.

Have you ever walked into the bathroom and stopped in your tracks because you couldn't remember why you were there? Or looked all over for your car keys, then realised you had them in your pocket all along?

It could be brain fog or a decline in healthy memory function that’s to blame.

Certain changes happen to the brain as we age. The effects of healthy ageing on the brain and cognitive function – that’s memory and thinking – are broad. And there are multiple theories about why these changes occur. 

But while occasional memory loss tends to happen as we get older, it’s not a certainty. 

How Does the Brain Change?

By the age of three, a child’s brain size has grown to nearly 90% of its adult size.

Yet, through the healthy ageing process, the brain starts to shrink. The brain volume starts to decline at a rate of about 5% each decade from 40 onwards, with the rate of decline increasing after 70.  

One of the symptoms of brain shrinkage is a decline in healthy memory function. That said, it’s not a given that we all experience memory loss as we age.

How to Support Cognitive Function

The adage ‘use it or lose it’ stands true. Learning something new often such as an instrument or starting a new hobby, such as painting, can be a good practice to keep the brain healthy.

However, there are other factors you can explore to support good brain health and working memory as an adult.

Eat Well

A healthy diet plays a role in promoting overall health, including brain health. Leafy greens, blueberries and fish can boost brain function.

Stay Active

Regular exercise is linked to healthy brain function and is supportive of cognitive health.

Top Three Foods to Support Brain Health and Memory

  1. Leafy greens such as spinach, kale and broccoli are packed with nutrients, including vitamin K, vitamin E and folate.

  2. Fatty fish like salmon, herring and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids including DHA, which are beneficial for brain and cognitive health.

  3. Blueberries are packed with brain nutrients like vitamin C and other antioxidants which are linked to general health and wellbeing as we age.

Nutrients for Brain Fog and Good Brain Function

Inadequate intake of essential nutrients that are known to support the brain’s normal functioning may increase the risk of brain fog and impaired memory function.

Without enough nourishment from healthy foods and even a few superfoods in your daily routine, you may become lacking in key nutrients. Adding a brain health supplement to your routine will help boost the nutrients you need to keep brain fog and other cognitive challenges at bay.

B vitamins - Are essential to the brain’s normal functioning

Vitamin C - A powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger.

Fish oil - An essential nutrient for brain health and cognitive function.

Ginkgo biloba - Supports cognitive function and memory. It works by supporting blood circulation to the peripheries, including the brain, which can help deliver nutrients.

Iron - another essential nutrient that helps support normal brain function. It may also help if you’re always feeling tired, if dietary intake is inadequate. 

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

How to Support Short-Term Memory

If you are concerned with memory challenges, short-term or otherwise, consult your doctor first for a health assessment.

If you’re looking to improve your short-term memory, taking care of your brain health is the best place to start. Try incorporating these activities into your daily routine:

  • Exercise and challenge your brain

  • Maintain a healthy diet

  • Limit alcohol

  • Do more physical activity

  • Manage stress 

  • Relax and sleep well

  • Try trivia nights and crosswords, puzzles and technical board games

If some of these healthy brain habits are a challenge, energy supplements might give you the boost you need to give them a try. You can also take brain health supplements, which may help improve memory for some.

Boost Your Brain Health Naturally with Nature's Way

It’s not a given that memory challenges come with ageing. A healthy lifestyle nutritionally, physically and mentally may make all the difference in slowing the changes to your brain that usually come with healthy ageing. 

Consider exploring Nature's Way supplements designed specifically to support brain health.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.